A World Worth Living In!

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8)

"The world is still full of warmth!"

A week ago, my second daughter-in-law and grandson boarded a plane to visit Korea. The flight departed from Newark Airport at 1 AM. The thought of my daughter-in-law flying alone for 15 hours with her 6-month-old baby made my wife and me quite anxious. Especially since our grandson is a very big baby, with a head circumference in the 99th percentile, weight in the 95th percentile, and height in the 85th percentile. We worried that it would be too much for her to handle such a long journey on her own.  

   As we expected, it was not an easy flight for my grandson and her. She struggled a lot to soothe and calm her wiggly baby, who kept fussing. Even after the plane took off and entered normal flight, the difficulties continued. It was at that moment that the people around them began to move.    

   First, a middle-aged man offered to help. He mentioned that he had a granddaughter around the same age and took the time to hold and play with our grandson several times. Additionally, several kind ladies around them took turns holding the baby and assisting our daughter-in-law. Thanks to their support, my grandson and daughter-in-law completed the long 15-hour flight and landed safely at Incheon Airport. As I heard this story from her, waves of emotion washed over me. The world is still very warmhearted. Yes, "The world is still full of warmth!"

A few weeks ago, a pastor visited my office. After exchanging warm greetings and sitting down, he placed an envelope in front of me. While I can't share the details of his request, it contained a generous donation to the KDCMA development fund, accompanied by a deeply meaningful story.

When I opened the envelope, I was momentarily stunned. The check had an astonishing number of zeros. I expressed my surprise at the large amount, and the pastor shared the story behind his motive for giving, earnestly requesting that it be kept anonymous. He then left the office quickly. Even after he departed, I felt a mix of confusion and gratitude. How could I ensure that I would never disappoint such a devoted pastor who showed immense affection and trust in the Korean denomination until my term as supervisor was over? Waves of emotion washed over me from the pastor's pure and sincere kindness. The Korean denomination is still very warmhearted. Yes, "The Korean district is still full of warmth!"

This past Monday and Tuesday, I attended the Metro District Conference of the neighboring Metro District. It was a blessed time filled with joyful reunions, fellowship, and shared meals. For two days, from morning to night, the conference felt like a festival of heaven, filled with continuous praise, teachings, gatherings, and seminars. It was a truly blessed conference, overflowing with gratitude to God and blessings for one another.

   This year's theme for the Metro District was "Walk Humbly." It emphasized a humble walk with God and with others, embodying the characteristics of the ministers God seeks in these last days. After the evening session on Tuesday, as I was returning home, the Lord continually impressed upon my heart:

"My beloved son, there are still many of My servants with warm hearts even in these last days."

Your fellow worker,

Jaeho Jung

District News

1. On September 10, Pastor Sunhee Kim from New York Grace Church was ordained.

2. On September 15, Pastor Kyungsook Kang from Olympia Kyrios Church was ordained.

3. Please continue to pray for the safety of our missionaries, Pastor Donghoon Ko and his wife Honghee, who are currently serving in Israel.

4. We encourage you to actively use the Korean District app. If you wish to install the app, please visit: https://kdcma.softr.app (Contact: Administrative Secretary, Bokkeun Jang, 201-440-5700).

5. Churches interested in utilizing PEAK (Church Health Check-Up Program) are encouraged to apply. (Contact: Education Director, Jonghyun Lee, 718-451-6348).

6. The blog for the Korean District Seminary ATI can be found at ati-kdcma.org. Please visit and support it with your prayers.

District Superintendent & Disctrict Office Schedule

10/1: ATI Faculty Appointment Meeting

10/6: Saengmyungsaem Church

10/7: ATI Administrative Meeting, Education Committee

10/13: Zion Holy Church

10/14: Theology Forum, Mission Committee

10/20: New York Mission Church, New York Mosaic Church

10/21-22: Metro District Conference

10/24: Mission Committee

10/25: PR Committee

10/27: Blessing Church

10/28-30: Lilly Conference

11/3: Manhattan Mission Church

11/7: Church Planting Committee

11/8-13: Denominational Superintendent Meeting

11/17: New Jersey Dongsan Church

Regional Meetings

Northwest Region: 10/6 (Mon), Misbah Church (Pastor Sanggu Choi)

West Central Region: (No meeting)

Western Region: 10/28 (Mon), 11 AM, LA Hope Mission Church (Pastor Youngho Kim)

Central Region: 10/1-3, Regional Continuing Education

Eastern Region: 10/21-24, Regional Continuing Education

Northeast Region: 10/21-24, Regional Continuing Education

Southeast Region: 10/15 (Tue), 8 PM, Zoom Meeting

2024 KDCMA Development Fund (Annual Goal: $50,000, Current Total: $131,880)

Pastor Seungno Kim ($500), Deacon Boknam Jung ($500), Good Seed Church ($300), San Diego Bethel Church ($500), Manhattan Mission Church ($300), Charleston Church of Truth ($300), Atlanta Onnuri Church ($500), Zion Holy Church ($200), Manhattan Mission Church ($300), New York Haneulsam Church ($200), Pastor Deoksang Oh ($500), New York Mosaic Church ($500), Denomination Headquarters ($20,000), Chicago West Korean Church ($500), Pastor Taegil Song ($200), Anonymous ($200), Orlando Good Church ($730), New Jersey Dongsan Church ($200), Professor Youngmin Koo ($1,000, designated for Korean District Seminary), Senior Pastor Ilsik Choi ($500, designated for Korean District Seminary), Soja Mission Church ($200), Deacon Chang-goo Jung ($500, designated for Korean District Seminary), Saengmyungsaem Church ($200), Denomination Headquarters ($950), Federal Way New Church ($200), LA Hope Mission Church ($500), New York Gospel Mission Church ($200), Denver Our Church ($500), Anonymous ($100,000), New York Mission Church ($300), New York Mosaic Church ($500).

District Staff

Superintendent: Pastor Jaeho Jung

Director of Church Planting: Pastor Hanul

Director of Missions: Pastor Taesuk Park

MSP Director: Pastor Jintae Kim

Office Administration: Evangelist Bokkeun Jang

EM Coordinator: Pastor Jinho Lee

Media Coordinator: Evangelist Sungjin Park

Spiritual Ministry Team Leader: Pastor Giseok Lee

Shared Ministry Alliance Team Leader: Pastor Hyunseok Bae

Short-Term Missions Director: Pastor Myunggoo Sung


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